- It is a highly artificial form of asexual reproduction based on mitosis to form new individuals.
- The new individuals are called CLONES, which have the same genetic material as the parent.
How is animal cloning carried out?
- An animal is cloned using a nucleus obtained from an adult tissue.
- The clone is genetically identical to the somatic cell donor.
- In 1996, Scotland , Dolly became the first cloned sheep done through a technique called Somatic Cell Nuclear Transplant (SCNT). She was produced after 270 attempts & has many deformities. She died of lung disease in 2003 at the age of 6, while a normal life span of a sheep is around 10-16 years.
To know more about cloning, watch the video below or click here.
Human embryo cloning – 3 minutes
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You can watch Dolly, the clone sheep, go to 5-7 minutes of the 2nd video below.
To watch the full documentary, click the video below or click here
Panayiotis Zavos is a controversial fertility doctor. He said to “The Independent” that he had already cloned human embryos and transferred 11 of them into the wombs of four women who had been prepared to give birth to cloned babies.
Since cloning embryos into the human womb is a criminal offense in most countries, Dr. Panayiotis Zavos is said to have worked at a secret laboratory in the Middle East where there is no cloning ban.
Dr. Zavos also revealed that he has produced cloned embryos of three dead people, including a 10-year-old child called Cady, who died in a car crash. He did so after being asked by grieving relatives if he could create biological clones of their loved one.>
Human cloning – 45 minutes
Do you think we should be cloning human?