Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dengue fever & Dengue haemorrhagic fever

  1. Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito (main vector) infected with any one of the four dengue viruses (DENV 1, 2, 3, 4).
  2. Dengue affects infants, young children and adults.
  3. Symptoms appear 4-7 days after the infective bite. In some cases, it can be without symptoms or with mild influenza symptom.
  4. What are the symptoms for Dengue Fever (DF)?
    * high fever (with severe headache)
    * pain behind the eyes
    * muscle and joint pain
    * with or without rash
  5. What are the symptoms for Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) - can be fatal.
    * fever,
    * abdominal pain
    * vomiting
    * bleeding from mucosa (from gums, nose)


  1. There is NO vaccine & antiviral drugs for Dengue.
  2. NO Aspirin or Brufen because they can cause gastritis and/or bleeding.
  3. Antibiotic does not help either.
  4. Paracetamol (eg: Panadol) are given for fever above 39 C.
  5. Oral rehydration solution/fluid/juices/electrolytes are given to patient with moderate dehydration (caused by vomitting & high body temperature)
  6. Plenty of bed rest

Life Cycle of Aedes mosquitoes:

Aedes mosquitoe needs just ONE (1) week to develop from Egg through larva & pupa, then into Adult. Therefore, you have only ONE (1) week to break their life cycle. How?

What can WE do?

  1. About 80% of the reported dengue cases occured at home or at places with high Aedes Breeding Index.
  2. Therefore WE must play our part in preventing the spread of dengue.
  3. Spend 10 minutes weekly to 'search & destroy' aedes breeding sites inside and around your house.
  • Inside the house:
    * flower pots
    * water containers
    * Refrigerator under tray
    * water tank
  • Outside the house:
    * Unused tyres
    * coconut shells, bamboo, plastic bags
    * broken bottles/glass that could hold water
    * drainage pipes
    * banana, bamboo and yam stumps.

  • Prevention and Control:
    * change water in vases, flower pot bases & water tanks. Clean thoroughly once a week.
    * cover all water containers to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
    * place all containers that can collect water, such as cans & bottles into plastic bagas and dispose of at designated places.
    * ensure gutters (of house roof) are not blocked.
    * add adequate amount of larvicide into water storage to kill larvae every 3 months.

Related links:

  1. Dengue claims lives of two sisters in Pulau Pinang - NST
  2. Dengue claims lives of two sisters in Penang - video
  3. Dengue around Subang Jaya - SJ Echo
  4. Video tempat pembiakan Nyamuk Aedes - MOH
  5. Chikungunya infection - An emerging disease in Malaysia
    *Chikungunya virus is also transmitted by Aedes mosquito
  6. Reference: WHO Dengue