Let's recap what we have learned in the last lesson.
We learned:
1) Why big size organism/large multicellular organism like human needs a transport system while small size organism(unicellular organism) eg: Amoeba sp. doesn't need a transport system.
This can be demonstrated through an experiment-- refer yr handout. How the size of an organism affect its TSA/V ratio, and how this affect the rate of diffusion.
I hope you can find time to do the experiment at home, or else you can do it at the lab. next year.
2) We learned the 3 components of blood circulatory system. ie: the Heart, Blood vessels & blood.
a) We also learn about blood composition. Whole blood consists of blood plasma & blood cells (eg: RBC, WBC & platelets). their structure, functions, others.
b) you shld know how RBC adapts to carry out its function efficiently. (10 marks)
c) the differences in structure & function btw RBC & WBC. btw granulocyte & agranulocyte.
d) blood vessels: Arteries, arterioles, blood cap., venules, veins.
i) how are they differ? & their function & structure. (refer yr notes for comparison)
ii) drawing the cross-section of an artery, b/cap, veins.
iii) why artery has thicker wall than vein, etc
iv) one colourful diagram for you to refer to.
Let me know if you need further explanation on the above; of course during our weekly meeting.
See you again in the next lesson.
teacher sharon